
What After Effects Can Do? TOP 5 Things You Can Use After Effects For As A Filmmaker


After Effects is a workhorse and possibilities are virtually endless. We can all agree about that. You may get confused about what the program is actually good for, especially if you’re new to it. So in this blog post, I’m going to show you what your options are as filmmakers...

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7 Great Reasons Why Learning After Effects Will Change Your Life


If you aren’t learning After Effects, why don’t you give it an honest try? The amazing application wonders of After Effects have no bounds. It will take you from one level to the next with the dynamics and versatility that it provides for video.

After Effects turns your videos...

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YouTube Doesn’t Care About After Effects Beginners


Yes, YouTube is such a powerful tool, but it can be tricky. Especially when you’re a beginner and you’re a bit lost and not sure what the learning process should look like. I was just like you. I’ve seen literally hundreds of After Effects tutorials and here are my...

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